If your house, new or old, is lacking some spirit, it might be time for some re-decorating. There are clever interior design tricks that can be done with little effort and minimal costs. Remember that sometimes smaller means bigger. Maybe it's adding a painting or brightening a room. These tips can help inspire you to change up your living space!
To maximize a tiny living space, use softer and light colors on the walls. Sometimes smaller rooms can feel cramped with all the furniture. However, some windows and bright colors can reflect the light from the sun brightening the room. Mirrors can help create the illusion of more space. Darker colors tend to make spaces feel smaller and more compact.
To expand on what's mentioned above; mirrors placed across from windows will immediately add natural light and dimension to a tight space. If you have too many art pieces on a wall, mirrors are great ways to replace a painting.
Your home should reflect your style and personality. There are no limits to mixing old and new. Your old table that's been in your family for generations adds a story to the room. That new couch you love also adds a story to your room. Try mixing these stories together to reflect your past and present life. This goes for art too. Although some art pieces might not fit together side by side, they could fit together in the same room. When it comes to pillows, rugs or furniture, try mixing patterns and colors to add warmth and spirit into your home.
Slip covers might not get the best reputation, but they are a great way to change your furniture from season to season. They're easily removable and can help you achieve an elegant look without the worry that your favorite couch could be ruined. This is also great for a room that's usually inhabited by children.
The best way to add storage to your room without a complete renovation is wicker baskets. Not only are they affordable, they can be used to store your books, towels or toys in a sophisticated way. A wicker basket placed on the top of your counter can be a way to display your fruit and vegetables.
Somewhere under your staircase or packed away in the garage is probably some items that could be used as decorations. Before you run to the store, try making use out of what you have. To add texture to a room, try adding a tray onto of a trunk or a bedside table. Place some candles, frames or books on top of them. Plates hung on a wall can act as beautiful wall art.
A kitchen is usually the focal point of a home. They are in constant use and should appear this way. A pot holder is a great way to emphasize this idea. They come in all different shapes and styles. It's aesthetically pleasing and a great way to help improve storage.
Plants can be used in every room no matter the size. They add life and color to a room in addition to being affordable. Many plants can help balance humidity in a room and help to clean a household. They can remove damaging gases. There should not be a room that lacks these plants.
The easiest way to bring color and energy to a space is by adding a fresh look to something unexpected. Take a boring bookcase for example. They are ideal because not a large area has to be painted. By adding a bright exterior, you can instantly transform the atmosphere of the room. Some other ideas for potential painting include hallways, ceilings and the interior of closets.
Hardwood floors are true beauties except they aren't always comfortable especially in a cold season. To soften the floor and add comfort, add in a hard wood floor. Bring out your individual style and personality through your choices of patterns and fabrics. You are limitless when it comes to your choices of texture and pattern. These can easily be changed to reflect the season; maybe warm tones for January and a bright one for a warm August. They can easily be washed which is ideal for those parents of messy children.