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    5 Step by Step Guide to your Dream Kitchen

    August 12th, 2016

    Everything you need to know to get started on planning the kitchen of your dreams-designed specifically for your needs and tastes.

    1. Get Inspired

      Grab a magazine or catch some HGTV, this is your time to decide which direction you want to go with your project-whether that's warm and cozy to sleek and minimalistic. Decide how your kitchen is going to allow you to express yourself while fulfilling your household's needs.

    2. Measure Your Kitchen

      If you want your new kitchen to fulfill its space and function properly, it is important to have accurate measurements of your kitchen. A suggestion is to hire an experienced professional, as they can provide the most precise measurements as well as an accurate survey of the conditions of your kitchen, saving you from the headache.

    3. Start Planning

      Now to actually plan out what exactly is going into your kitchen. Start from planning the larger components of your project, before you focus on the details-from the tiles to the appliances, to the countertop and to the sink, finishing with the stainless salt shakers and apron hangers. Don't be afraid to change things up and mix things up in your planning process, in order to create a kitchen well thought out and unique to you.

    4. Choose Your Service and Place Your Order

      Aside from placing the order on the products suited to you, you can also choose the right installation services for you-whether that DIY or hiring a trusted professional to do the job for you.

    5. Celebrate the Pay-Off

      This is the best part-enjoying your dream kitchen. Cook the celebratory meal you've been planning for your family, or invite your friends for drinks at your new mini bar. Make sure your kitchen is well maintenance and stocked with good food and the right tools to enjoy and entertain for years to come!

    Tags: Dream, Kitchen, Step by Step, Guide, Get Inspired, Measure, Start Planning