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    The Frugal Monthly Plan For Winterizing The Garden

    December 12th, 2012 , Last Modified: December 12th, 2012

    Die-hard gardeners will tell you that winterizing your garden is a work in progress. Cultivating a beautiful landscape is a lot of time-consuming work, and there is no getting around it; however, you can labor more efficiently by mastering a few shortcuts.

    The months from September to November will allow you to prepare your garden for winter. It may seem early in the season, but this is the time of year when the garden begins to rest.


    • Collect seeds from annual flowers and allow drying for next spring. Spread the seeds and dry them before putting them in an airtight jar. Keep away from the light, and do not forget to identify with labels.
    • Pull weeds, including the roots.
    • Remove dead flowers from your garden beds. For plants in pots or tubs, a slow-release fertilizer will allow plants to continue feeding for months. • You can sow, patch and repair the lawn until mid-September
    • Trim your hedges for the last time, but wait for the end of flowering before pruning.
    • If you want to make cuttings of roses and evergreens, this is the time.


    • You can plant your bulbs and perennials for the next Spring bloom.
    • Make a final mowing of your lawn.
    • You can start planting rose bulbs.
    • Prune trees and cut any dead branches if necessary.


    • There is no need to mow the lawn, but collect leaves and place them in the compost.
    • Feed the lawn with a thin layer of soil.
    • Prune your trees, shrubs, and rose bushes.
    • Protect fragile garden beds from colder temperatures with a fresh mound of dirt.
    • Use a veil of winter to protect plants from the winter frost. The veil is permeable to air and water, and produces a greenhouse effect that protects against dehydration.

    For the gardener who wants less work and more enjoyment, always invest in year-round mulching, especially when winterizing the garden. It is the one easy-care home improvement resource that requires very little sweat-equity, yet keeps giving back.

    Among other things, mulching limits water evaporation and weed growth. Mulching also has several other advantages such as protecting the roots of plants from the winter frost, and as the mulch decomposes, it will feed the soil.

    One of the best ways to make a good garden even better is by pre-planning and winterizing.

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