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    How To Winterize Your Patio

    November 26th, 2012

    Summer is gone, fall is fading, and you are looking towards winter. This means that an outdoor oasis like the patio must be dealt with, and soon. What does winterizing look like?

    The main thing to remember is that anything that is going to be stored should be in relatively good order before it is tucked away from months. You do not want to open a chest of chair cushions or folding chairs and be met with the stench of mildew, or sweat lingering from September.

    Clean everything before you put it away. Home improvement expert Vanessa Brunner suggests doing some DIY tidying up by removing gunk, dirt, and anything left over from your last soiree. It could be some cheese sticking to a seat from a drippy hamburger. It might be spilt ketchup, or chip crumbs. Dust it off and scrub if necessary. If you do not, the remnants from this last feast will either attract pests that will ruin your furniture or make it harder to clean in the spring.

    Fold down umbrellas and bring them inside, or put them in a dry place for the winter. Although they are designed to keep sun and rain off the table (or sunbather) beneath, they can also wear out from too much damp. The same goes for hammocks. Roll them up and bring them inside, cleaned in the same way as you cleaned the cushions using soap and water.

    Brunner also recommends that all items be permitted to dry before they are stored in the home. This will limit the chance for dampness to lead to mold.

    If you have a barbeque, clean it for the following season. Baked on grime is hard to get off, but even harder after twelve weeks of hibernation. Then again, if you live in a moderate climate, you could continue to use this accessory and bring food inside to eat. Haul the furniture out when the weather is more inviting, but keep the barbeque going.

    If there are electrical items on your patio set to come on when it gets dark, you might want to disconnect them. Even when they are not in use, if something is plugged into mains power it will be wasting energy. Even take out the bulbs from your lights in case the thin glass shatters in cold weather. Drain water from any water features on your patio. When water freezes, it expands, causing possible damage to the plumbing or structure of your decorative item. Put patio plants away or cover them. Brunner also suggests cleaning the deck or stones in preparation for next year.

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